Happy Freezing Weather

With the variable weather this winter, it's important to remain as balanced as you can, and to plan ahead as much as possible. You never know when classes are going to be canceled, how much longer it will take to get from one place to another, whether you won’t be able to travel as planned, and whether the power will remain on. With due dates for papers and projects and scheduled exams, it’s important to try to stay as far ahead as possible, to account for "surprises" that may occur.

The final days of class work prior to Spring Break are here. This typically means that papers are due and exams are right around the corner. Are you up-to-date with your readings and writing? Are you staying balanced with your exercise, nutrition and sleep routines, even with additional academic challenges at this time of the semester? As you start to prepare for the flurry of activity, take a look at the Writing and Study Skills topic area with this COMPASS website; you’ll find some campus and other resources that may be of assistance. You might also find some interesting tips in the Time Management section.

Thinking ahead a bit, you might want to think about getting re-balanced during Spring Break. Whether or not you have travel plans or other commitments for this time, this does become an opportunity to reflect on your academic progress this semester. You can also reflect upon whatever resolutions you may have made in early January, to assess how you’re doing overall with the balance of your life. This upcoming break is a time for giving yourself a mid-semester boost.

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