Volunteering and Leadership

Nearly 5 out of 6 (83%) of incoming freshmen report engaging in frequent or occasional volunteer work. Were you one of these freshmen? Volunteering builds leadership skills, brings service to individuals and communities, creates a positive change in others and yourself, as well as builds your education, resume and career network. Have you volunteered lately? What plans can you make for this?

" Service without humility is selfishness and egotism."

Mahatma Gandhi

Looking Back:
A Self-Reflection

What does volunteering mean to you?

Check out our worksheet.

Quiz Ideas

  • How good are your leadership skills? Who do you consider to be a good leader? Use this tool to figure out how to be an exceptional leader.
  • What kind of volunteer are you? Are you able to identify what type of activity is good for you? Take this quiz and find out.

Moving Ahead:
The Challenge

How important is it for you to be involved in the community?

Check out our worksheet.


Campus Resources

  • Social Action and Integrative Learning
    SAIL is an evolving community of Mason students, faculty, administrators, alumni, and community partners who are active and passionate collaborators in effecting positive social change. SAIL fosters integrative, innovative, and experiential learning opportunities on campus, regionally, and globally that educate and activate towards a more equitable, just, nonviolent, and sustainable world.
  • Wellness, Alcohol, and Violence Education and Services
    WAVES helps students make healthy, safe choices and encourage lifelong, thoughtful healthy decision-making through individualized support, creative, programming, and evidence-based education and outreach. They help students feel empowered and have the capacity to grow to their full potential and reach optimal wellness and well-being. WAVES offers information on alcohol including staying sober, sober rides, safer drinking, talking to others about their alcohol use and more.
  • Office of Student Involvement
    Student Involvement enhances the Mason community by creating dynamic involvement opportunities and fostering student success through co-curricular experiences. These experiences include a variety of options such as student organizations, class councils, fraternity and sorority life, and more including your own creative ideas.
  • Counseling and Psychological Services
    CAPS provides a wide range of free services to students, which are provided by a staff of professional clinical psychologists, social workers, counselors, learning specialists, and psychiatric providers. They offer individual counseling, group counseling, workshops, and outreach programs, as well as other resources.
  • Patriot Activities Council
    PAC is a student body that strengthens community through activities that are entertaining, interactive, and educational. They bring diverse events to Mason representing the cultural diversity of George Mason.
  • Office of Diversity, Inclusion and Multicultural Education
    ODIME engages the Mason community in awareness and exploration of the diversity of the campus community, identity development, and global and cultural competencies. They offer services, resources, and experiences that assist students in recognizing, cultivating, and actualizing their potential to thrive and succeed and interact with people with different identities than their own and co-create an inclusive and welcoming campus environment.

Additional Resources

  • Fairfax County
    Volunteer your timeĀ to help with their parks, libraries, fire and rescue, animal shelters, older adultsĀ and elsewhere to contribute to the quality of life in Fairfax County.
  • Volunteer Fairfax
    Volunteer Fairfax supports a network of over 500 public and private agencies. They provide people with a wide array of programs and service opportunities including training, education and outreach opportunities.
  • Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority
    NVRPA depends on volunteers to keep their parks running. They offer opportunities to give tours and programs, staff visitor and nature centers, assist with clerical tasks and special events, work on trail and landscape improvements and more.
  • Virginia Service
    Virginia Service connects people with volunteer opportunities throughout the state, as well as throughout the nation. They also offer information about the benefits of volunteering, volunteering statistics, funding and grants and more.
  • Corporation for National and Community Service
    Corporation for National and Community Service is a federal agency that helps more than 5 million Americans improve the lives of their fellow citizens through service. They work hand in hand with local partners to help serve, build and make an impact that changes lives and communities.
  • Volunteer Match
    Volunteer Match connects people with a cause that they care about and that needs their support. They are linked in with 90,000 nonprofits around the world including animals, children, education, environment, health, mentoring, homelessness, women, disaster, hunger, and more.
  • Peace Corps
    Peace Corps is an international service organization of the United States that sends Americans abroad to tackle the most pressing needs of people around the world. Peace Corps volunteers work at the grassroots level toward sustainable change that lives on long after their service and they become global citizens and serve their country.
  • Peacework
    Peacework is a global nonprofit organization that engages communities, academic institutions, and corporations in innovative cross-sector solutions for sustainable development around the world and across seven development disciplines: agriculture, business, education, engineering, health, public service, and technology.