
Drug and alcohol abuse is the leading cause of death for people between the ages of 15 and 24. What comes to mind when you think about getting high or using drugs? Is it a picture of you? Using drugs? includes legal and illegal drugs, over the counter and prescription drugs, as well as the correct and incorrect use of drugs. So now do you see a picture of you? How have drugs affected you and those around you? How can you be more responsible with decisions around their use?

" Our grand business is not to see what lies dimly at a distance, but to do what lies clearly at hand."

Thomas Carlyle

Looking Back:
A Self-Reflection

When you think about drug use overall, what are some of the reasons that people use drugs?

Check out our worksheet.

Quiz Ideas

  • Are you wondering if you have a drug problem? Are you concerned about someone else? This test can help determine if you or someone you love is drug addicted.
  • Do you have a drug problem? Are substances harming your health or increasing your risk for other problems? Take this quiz to find out.

Moving Ahead:
The Challenge

When you think about your own prior use of (if any) of any drugs, what would you like to change?

Check out our worksheet.


  • Drugs - DRUGS AND "U"
    • David S. Anderson, Ph.D., Professor, Director , Center for the Advancement of Public Health, School of Recreation, Health and Tourism, College of Education and Human Development
    • David S. Anderson, Ph.D., Director, Center for the Advancement of Public Health, School of Recreation, Health, and Tourism, College of Education and Human Development

Campus Resources

  • Wellness, Alcohol, and Violence Education and Services
    WAVES helps students make healthy, safe choices and encourage lifelong, thoughtful healthy decision-making through individualized support, creative, programming, and evidence-based education and outreach. They help students feel empowered and have the capacity to grow to their full potential and reach optimal wellness and well-being. WAVES offers information on alcohol including staying sober, sober rides, safer drinking, talking to others about their alcohol use and more.
  • Counseling and Psychological Services
    CAPS provides a wide range of free services to students, which are provided by a staff of professional clinical psychologists, social workers, counselors, learning specialists, and psychiatric providers. They offer individual counseling, group counseling, workshops, and outreach programs, as well as other resources.
  • University Police Department
    The University Police Department provides a safe and secure environment for all university employees, students and guests, and they provide orientation sessions on safety procedures, alcohol and drug awareness. They embrace the community policies and work collaboratively with academic and administrative units, as well as individuals and organizations.
  • Student Health Services
    Student Health Services provides high quality health care, counseling, health education and prevention services to George Mason University students. From diagnosis and treatment of illness and injury, to women’s and men’s health, to immunizations and prescriptions, Student Health Services is available to all Mason students with clinics at Fairfax, Arlington and Science and Technology Campuses. There is no charge to be seen by one of our healthcare providers. There are nominal fees for treatments, and supplies.

Additional Resources

  • Fairfax County Community Services Board
    Fairfax County Community Services Board offers links to local services to help people with mental illness and substance use disorders. These services are offered to high risk groups and individuals, as well as youth, adults, and family members.
  • Narcotics Anonymous
    The Chesapeake and Potomac Region of Narcotics Anonymous serves recovering addicts of the Washington DC Metropolitan Area in Maryland, Northern Virginia, and the District of Columbia.
    INOVA is a not-for-profit healthcare system based in Northern Virginia. INOVA Comprehensive Addiction Treatment Services is a leader in providing an array of quality addiction services and offers a series of structured programs for patients and their concerned others, tailoring services according to individual needs. Treatment and counseling are provided by a professional staff of addiction specialists, including physicians, psychiatrists, nurses, licensed and certified professional and addiction counselors.
  • Help Guide
    Help Guide is a non-profit health resource website that encourages access to unbiased, reliable information to give people a sense of hope and direction. The site was launched in memory of a woman who committed suicide due to her mental health problems. They offer information on drug, abuse, addiction, myths, warnings signs and more.
  • National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Inc.
    The NCADD fights the stigma and the disease of alcoholism and other drug addictions by providing a wealth of programs and services. These programs and services include referrals, prevention, education and training, community awareness, advocacy, intervention, treatment and recovery, as well as publications and awareness weeks and month.
  • National Institute on Drug Abuse
    NIDA has revolutionized our understanding of drug abuse and addiction in their support of recent scientific advances having dramatic implications for how to best prevent and treat addiction.  NIDA's mission is to lead the Nation in bringing the power of science to bear on drug abuse and addiction.
  • Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
    SAMHSA is a program of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) whose mission is to build resilience and facilitate recovery for people with or at risk for substance abuse and mental illness. SAMSHA support is divided into three components, the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention, and the Center for Mental Health Services.
  • Office of National Drug Control Policy
    The ONDCP establishes policies, priorities, and objectives for the Nation's drug control program. Program goals include a renewed emphasis on community-based prevention programs, early intervention programs in healthcare settings, aligning criminal justice policies and public health systems to divert non-violent drug offenders into treatment instead of jail, funding scientific research on drug use, and, through the Affordable Care Act, expanding access to substance abuse treatment.
  • U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration
    The DEA enforces the controlled substances laws and regulations of the United States. The DEA website houses information from drug facts, to law enforcement cases, to information for students.