
Would you believe that 59% of college students know their diet has gone downhill since they went to college? Also, did you know that 66% of freshmen don't consume the recommended five servings of fruits and vegetables? What is in your diet and how nutritious is it? Food serves multiple purposes for each of us; it can provide nourishment, relaxation, socialization opportunities, and, in some cases, compulsion. What role does food play in your life?

" It is only possible to live happily ever after on a day to day basis."

Margaret Bonnano

Looking Back:
A Self-Reflection

Were your meals well thought out or were they planned quickly to fit your schedule?

Check out our worksheet.

Quiz Ideas

  • How much do you really know about nutrition? How much do you know about Americans nutrition? Use this quiz to test your nutrition IQ.
  • Do you know what vitamins, minerals and nutrients you need for a healthy body? Take this quiz and find out.

Moving Ahead:
The Challenge

Identify ways in which you can improve your eating habits in the future.

Check out our worksheet.


Campus Resources

  • Dining Service
    Sodexo is committed to providing nutrition at Mason that supports optimal nutrition and health, local communities, and the environment. They offer a variety of health conscious choices, health tips and access to Mason’s registered dietician.
  • Student Health Services
    Student Health Services provides high quality health care, counseling, health education and prevention services to George Mason University students. From diagnosis and treatment of illness and injury, to women’s and men’s health, to immunizations and prescriptions, Student Health Services is available to all Mason students with clinics at Fairfax, Arlington and Science and Technology Campuses. There is no charge to be seen by one of our healthcare providers. There are nominal fees for treatments, and supplies.
  • Wellness, Alcohol, and Violence Education and Services
    WAVES helps students make healthy, safe choices and encourage lifelong, thoughtful healthy decision-making through individualized support, creative, programming, and evidence-based education and outreach. They help students feel empowered and have the capacity to grow to their full potential and reach optimal wellness and well-being. WAVES offers information on alcohol including staying sober, sober rides, safer drinking, talking to others about their alcohol use and more.
  • Counseling and Psychological Services
    CAPS provides a wide range of free services to students, which are provided by a staff of professional clinical psychologists, social workers, counselors, learning specialists, and psychiatric providers. They offer individual counseling, group counseling, workshops, and outreach programs, as well as other resources.

Additional Resources

  • Virginia Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
    The VAND is a professional, not-for-profit organization of food and nutrition experts affiliated with the ADA. They promote lifelong eating habits that provide pleasure and wellness to people’s lives. They offer information and resources on nutrition, as well as assist in finding a registered dietician.
  • WebMD
    WebMD provides valuable health information, tools for managing health and support to those who seek information. They provide original and timely health information as well as material from well known content providers. This site has questions, myths, slideshows, tips, and more about nutrition.
  • American Dietetic Association
    The ADA is the nation’s largest organization of food and nutrition professionals. They are committed to helping people enjoy healthy lives. They are focused into five critical areas: obesity and overweight (with focus on children); healthy aging; safe, sustainable and nutritious food supply; nutrigenetics and nutrigenomics; and integrative medicine, including supplements and alternative medicine.
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
    The CDC works to protect America from health diseases that start at home or abroad, are chronic or acute, curable or preventable, human error or deliberate attack. They conduct critical science and provide health information that protects our nation. The nutrition information available on this site covers all ages, diseases, nutrients, foods, guidelines, climate change and more.
  • Choose My
    Choose My is a website run by the U.S. Department of Agriculture to help advance and promote dietary guidance for all Americans and to conduct applied research and analyses in nutrition and consumer economics. This site offers tips, information, guidance, tools, as well as information specifically for college students.
  • provides easy access to food and nutrition information from the federal government including healthy eating, physical activity, and food safety. There are more than 1,000 links to current and reliable nutrition information.
  • United States Department of Agriculture
    USDA has become the leader in everything from human nutrition to new crop technologies that allow the growth of grow more food and fiber using less water and pesticides. The Food and Nutrition link, contains recent spotlights, reports, publications, and events.