
A survey of 500 top executives identified creativity as one of the top four missing skills of graduates coming in to the workforce. Do you think outside of the box? What is the box? The box includes the self-limitations we impose on ourselves when we don't allow ourselves time to play, to create, to experience and to make mistakes. How often do you limit yourself? What can you do to enhance your creativity?

" Don't let life discourage you; everyone who got where he is had to begin where he was."

Richard L. Evans

Looking Back:
A Self-Reflection

How do you define creativity?

Check out our worksheet.

Quiz Ideas

  • How creative are you? Does the idea of being creative at work make you think of artistic talent? No worries! Anyone can be creative. Use this tool to find out how creative you are.
  • Do you think and act creatively? This test can help you determine if you have the personality traits, attitudes, values, motivations, and interests that characterize creativity. Take the test now.

Moving Ahead:
The Challenge

Try and feed your creativity by performing at least two of the creativity exercises each week.

Check out our worksheet.


Campus Resources

  • Counseling and Psychological Services
    CAPS provides a wide range of free services to students, which are provided by a staff of professional clinical psychologists, social workers, counselors, learning specialists, and psychiatric providers. They offer individual counseling, group counseling, workshops, and outreach programs, as well as other resources.

Additional Resources

  • Psychology Today
    Psychology Today is a website that is all about people and what makes them tick. The site is supported by over 750 psychologists, academics, psychiatrists and authors. The creativity page is full of a variety of resources and links.
  • Study Guides and Strategies
    The Study Guides and Strategies web site was created as an educational public service, and the student guides are collaboratively maintained across institutional and national boundaries. Their thinking creatively page offers considerations to help people approach tasks, problems and situations with openness to alternatives.
  • Creativity Games
    Creativity Games is a site that encourages and enables people to push the boundaries of their creative ability. They do this by providing fun games, challenge, and resources.